The MAPFRE Malta Distribution Network is trained to sell both life and non-life insurance to the Group’s clients. Tied Insurance Intermediaries, frontline employees and Bancassurance are obliged under the Insurance Distribution Rules to undertake a minimum of fifteen hours of continuous professional development (CPD) training in each calendar year. Carrying out this CPD training is an ongoing and important process and is no small feat, especially when the training needs to cater for more than 600 persons across the entire Group’s network.
Some of the topics covered during the training over the last months pertained to the understanding of the Group’s various Life and General Business Products, Marketing, Conduct for Business Requirements and understanding General Business technical data, amongst several others.
The Chief Officer of the Sales Network and Business Training for MAPFRE Middlesea, Lynne Joslin, remarked, “Business training plays an important role in ensuring that our sales teams are engaged in their work, feel a sense of value, as well as broadening of knowledge, teaching new skills and sharpening existing ones, so that they may service the Group’s clients in a professional manner and to the best of their abilities.”
MAPFRE refers to MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) and MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. (C-15722). Both entities are authorised under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta and are regulated by the MFSA.