
MSV Life plc presents 2012 Results to Insurance Intermediaries

MSV Life p.l.c. recently held a presentation of the 2012 financial results of the company to its insurance intermediaries.

The presentation was addressed by David G. Curmi, Chief Executive Officer at MSV Life who gave an overview of the 2012 results which were the best set of results achieved by MSV Life since its establishment in 1994. A more detailed review of the MSV financial results for 2012 was presented by Mr. David Demarco, Chief Financial Officer. This was followed by a presentation by Ms Marzena Formosa, Chief Investments Officer who gave an overview of the financial markets in 2012 and MSV Life’s own investment performance.

The afternoon was concluded by the announcement of the 2012 bonus declaration of MSV Life which saw the 2012 bonuses on all core products increase when compared to the 2011 bonuses.

The purpose of this annual presentation is to provide a detailed explanation of MSV Life’s performance during the previous year and the plans and objectives of the company for the current year.

MSV Life’s strong multi-channel distribution network plays a very important role in the performance of the Company. Mr. Curmi stated ‘we value the contribution of all our intermediaries and we consider our significant distribution network as one of our greatest assets. Through these presentations we seek to involve our intermediaries, bring them closer to the Company and encourage them to provide us with ideas, voice concerns and continue to work with us as important stakeholders’.

MSV Life p.l.c. is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry on long term business under the Insurance Business Act 1998. Com 250313/3