An innovative Management Training Development Programme organized by MSV Life plc, was recently led by internationally renowned and widely experienced Executive Coach David Brient, who introduced the Wolf Wisdom theme as a source of model behaviours and as a modeling theory for personal and team behavior and designed this novel concept into management training with a view to improved personal and team performance.
Every member of the management team was introduced to this modeling dogma by being presented with a copy of the book “Wisdom of Wolves” by Twyman Towery accompanying a wittily coherently themed invitation which was then followed by a One-to-One preliminary coaching session held between Brient and each delegate prior to the 2-day residential programme.
This successful and positive experience was tied in with the book as the premise for this alternative corporate and personal learning experience which incorporated activities geared towards enhancing interpersonal skills, leadership, effective communication and teamwork, finding opportunities for synergy, dealing with negative attitudes and coaching methodologies amongst others.
During this programme, the team also participated in a variety of Practical Stress Breaking Sessions which included Yoga, T’aiChi, ‘Kick Shield’, Xi Gung Breathing and voice projection exercises.
The MSV Management Team was back with refreshed vigour, improved focus and team wisdom to resume their roles and to fulfill their demanding management roles.
MSV Life p.l.c. is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry on long term business under the Insurance Business Act 1998. COM 090812