Health | Page 3

10 tips to boost your mental health

10 tips to boost your mental health

Mental well-being in general comprises your self-esteem, the quality of your relationships, and your ability for emotion regulation and problem-solving. Anyone can have mental or emotional health issues, and many of us will throughout our lifetimes. These suggestions can improve your mood, make you more resilient, and help you live more fully.

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How to have a happy, healthy summer!

How to have a happy, healthy summer!

Summer is here! A new exercise program that is appropriate for the weather is required as well as a change in routine, nutrition, and diet plan as the seasons change. The start of warm weather might make your body more susceptible to many diseases, so it’s important to follow some health recommendations to have a healthy summer.

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Tips to Keep You Cool During a Heat Wave

Tips to Keep You Cool During a Heat Wave

Heat waves are once again upon us. There’s hot summer weather—and then there are heat waves. Much like other natural disasters, heat waves can be very dangerous. Here are 4 ways you can cope with heat waves and stay cool during hot weather.

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Why should you get health insurance?

Why should you get health insurance?

As the number of accidents are rising and diseases are becoming more common the demand for health insurance has increased significantly.  In the case of a medical emergency, a health insurance plan can give financial protection. In life, everyone faces some dangers and uncertainties therefore purchasing health insurance is the best approach to combat health risks.

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