Sustainable Investments


At MAPFRE Group, we invest in assets that meet ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria, making our investment socially responsible. In practice, this model means that we can help build a more sustainable world without sacrificing long-term profitability. Partnerships between MAPFRE Group and other large companies are being developed by signing agreements to develop infrastructures that will aid in the promotion of decarbonisation in those respective markets.
Forming part of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment criteria, MAPFRE Group does not invest in companies that derive 30% or more of their revenue from coal-produced energy. Instead, MAPFRE Group is strengthening its commitment to sustainable investment in Spain with the launch of its first renewables fund known as MAPFRE Energías Renovables. 
In fact, as part of MAPFRE Group’s ESG underwriting criteria, the company no longer insures the building of new infrastructures related to coal mines or thermal power plants, as well as risks linked to tar sands, oil, or gas in the Arctic.